Stacey Ross Cohen

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor


Stacey is a brand professional and TEDx speaker who earned her stripes on Madison Avenue and major TV networks. She is Founder/CEO of Co-Communications. Notable recognitions include PRSA Practitioner of the Year, City & State NY/Power 100, and Forbes Enterprise. Stacey holds an MBA in Marketing.

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Iniciar un negocio

5 pasos para transformar tu idea en un imperio

Basado en experiencias personales y ejemplos del mundo real, este artículo describe cinco pasos comprobados para ayudar a los emprendedores a transformar su visión en un próspero imperio, desde identificar las necesidades del mercado, hasta desarrollar productos efectivos y asegurar la rentabilidad a largo plazo.

Starting a Business

How to Transform Your Idea into an Empire in 5 Steps

Drawing from personal experience and real-world examples, the article outlines five proven steps to help entrepreneurs transform their vision into a thriving empire, from identifying market needs to effective product development to ensuring long-term profitability.

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