Cara Sloman

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® VIP


Cara Sloman is CEO and president of Force4, a marketing communications and PR agency serving B2B technology companies.

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Growing a Business

How to Create a Winning Content Strategy Aligned with Your Buyer's Journey

This article details the importance of aligning content with the customer journey for long-term success, from top-of-the-funnel content that captures attention and builds awareness to bottom-of-the-funnel strategies that foster loyalty and drive conversions.


9 Steps to Success When Choosing An Influencer for Your Marketing Campaign

Influence is today's word of mouth. That means companies need to begin embracing influencers, exploring their unique ability to build trust, expand reach and foster authentic connections.


How Leaders Can Build Acquisition-Ready Companies

Leaders play a crucial role in preparing their companies for potential acquisition, particularly in the tech industry. They must start implementing strategies to make their organizations attractive for M&A opportunities.


IA vs. humanidad — por qué los humanos siempre ganarán cuando se trata de generar contenido

Con la proliferación e integración de la IA en organizaciones y unidades de negocios, los profesionales de relaciones públicas y marketing pueden verse tentados a inclinarse más de lo recomendado hacia el uso de esta nueva tecnología.


AI vs. Humanity — Why Humans Will Always Win in Content Creation

With the proliferation and integration of AI across organizations and business units, PR and marketing professionals may be tempted to lean into this new technology more than recommended.

Science & Technology

There's a Fine Line Between Using and Over-Relying on AI. Here's the Role Leaders Need to Play.

With any new technology adoption, leaders set the tone that influences its success or failure. Learn about leadership's role when implementing AI into an organization and how to balance efficiency without becoming overreliant.

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